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Building with 98 flats, Espai Macià

Building with 98 flats, Espai Macià

CTS arquitectes carried out the design and construction of 3 of the 4 service-office buildings provided for in the planning, linked by 3 floors of underground parking.

The fourth building is the subject of this project:
The difficult situation in the real estate market for offices in Sabadell in 2002 led the developer to replace the initially planned office building, symmetrical to the existing tower and the site of the new Sabadell courts, with the present project. The development consists of 98 flats, two office floors, with commercial premises on the ground, first, second and P-1 floors. We increased the number of floors, from GF+17 to GF+19, without increasing either the height (the height between floors of the flats is much lower than that of the offices) or the built surface (we cut back on the original volumes and reduced the surface area of the standard floors).

The new building maintains a similar massing to the existing tower, an abstract basic volume with no apparent scale. It consists of a high body, with GF+19, two staircases and two lifts, and a low body of GF+10 with one staircase and two lifts. However, Floors 9 and 10 of the lower level have access to one of the emergency staircases in the upper level, in order to comply with the regulations.

The façade of the building is made of architectural concrete, perforated in a regular and orderly manner, so that the hollow space clearly predominates over the full one. The openings contain the windows, as well as blind aluminium panels, which both regularise the different interior layouts and provide a random counterpoint to the concrete grid.

We have tried to avoid an excessively domestic external appearance, which would not be very coherent with the immediate environment.

Type of project




Surface area

18.000 m2


JG (facilities design), Robert Brufau i Associats (structural design)


Acciona Inmobiliaria


Sabadell, Barcelona


Antoni Sala