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46 Apartments in Can Pi

46 Apartments in Can Pi

The project involves a group of flats located in San Vicenç de Montalt, about 400 m from the sea. The terrain is a V-shaped valley facing the sea with a 20% slope; the side slopes rise rapidly and are covered with dense vegetation characteristic of the area, including pines, cypresses, carob and olive trees. These characteristics conditioned the premises of the project, as integration with the surroundings was essential given the volume of the project. It was decided to break the project down into two buildings, as the slope allowed views to the one at the rear, and at the same time the two buildings were staggered to avoid a feeling of verticality. The staircases with the resulting recesses allowed planters to be placed on all levels of considerable dimensions, 2.5 x 2.5 x 1 in depth, in cases where the staircases were set back 2.50 m, and terraces of 5 x 5 x 1 m in cases where they were set back 5 m. The size of these planters allowed trees to be planted within them, recovering the existing vegetation in the building itself. In an attempt to recover as much of the landscaped areas as possible (despite the fact that the building occupies only 15% of the surface area of the site), the rear staggers were deployed on the terrain with a structural solution in cantilevers, which at some points reach 5 m in length, giving rise to landscaped slopes that enter the car park, leaving the rear part of the car park open to the garden.

Type of project




Surface area

6.990 m2


Ignacio Ruiz-Muñoz (architect), Carmen Leonori (technical architect)




San Vicenç de Montalt, Barcelona